Hi, my name is


I believe in love and share

A passionate software engineer who likes to use technologies to empower greater good.

Hello! I am Ziqing, a Computer Science undergraduate with an unwavering passion for software engineering and artificial intelligence. My ultimate goal is to create innovative solutions that empower individuals to lead better lives. 🚀

I’m currently seeking full-time software engineer opportunities for fresh graduates in 2024 to make a positive impact. Let’s connect and collaborate on something great! 😊

Outside of coding, I’ve been playing the flute for 15 years 🎵, and I enjoy traveling ✈️, visiting museums 🏛️, and savoring tea with friends ☕.

A little fun fact about me: my name, Ziqing, means “sunny” in Chinese, and I strive to bring brightness and warmth to everything I do.

Here are some tools that I am familiar with (not exhaustive):

  • Python
  • C/C++
  • Golang
  • Java
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • React-Redux, T3 Stack
  • Rails
  • SQL
  • Flask
  • Numpy/Panda, Pytorch
  • Git

Work Experience

Jan 2024 – May 2024
TEAMMATES (Online Peer Feedback System)
Project Lead
Skills: Java, Google Cloud Datastore, SQL, Hibernate, Liquibase
  • Pioneered data migration from NoSQL to SQL database for over 800,000 users. Optimized speed of migration script to be faster by 10 times using batch queries and ensured data sanity using verification scripts.

  • Created the first release with SQL database on production, setting the configuration of SQL database and the foundation for future SQL releases.

  • Led a team of 7 people to create an instructor account request portal in 6 weeks, reducing 90% of manual effort for administrator to process instructor requests and notify instructors.

Jun 2023 – Aug 2023
TikTok Global E-Commerce
Backend Engineer Intern
Skills: Golang, MySQL, RPC
  • Created ExcelFlex SDK using Golang and Excelize library to streamline Excel data conversion for TikTok Shops' brand partners, cutting exportable Excel report development time by 50%.

  • Spearheaded design of account onboarding system for key brand partners using Golang, simplifying communication cost among 4 groups of stakeholders by 80% and reducing system maintenance effort by 80%.

  • Led development of regional report email service for key accounts in Europe. Deployed cronjobs, optimized email lists, and established a task management database for seamless and compliant reporting in European operations.

Apr 2023 – Jul 2023
Part-time Software Engineer
Skills: TypeScript
  • Created TypeScript questions and solutions for frontend interview related content.

  • Helped in localization of the website design and translation for Chinese users.

May 2022 – Jul 2022
TikTok Global E-Commerce
Frontend Engineer Intern
Skills: React, TypeScript, Less, Tailwind CSS, Rematch, Redux
  • Collaborated in a 6-member cross functional scrum team to create rankings of products in global e-commerce software and to provide sellers with greater transparency of performance of their products, improving the penetration rate for sellers with sales by 3%.

  • Built line chart modules using React, Less and Storybook in Data Insights team’s charting library, which reduced configuration time for each chart from 2 days to 1 hour, and enhanced extensibility of 20 usages across codebase.

Jan 2022 – May 2022
TEAMMATES (Online Peer Feedback System)
Full Stack Open-Source Contributor
Skills: Java, Angular, Google Cloud Datastore, SQL
  • Built a notification banner system using Java and Angular to disseminate essential updates such as deprecation of features to 800,000 users.

  • Implemented user statistic graphs using D3.js and Cron Jobs for administrators to monitor user responses.

May 2021 – Aug 2021
Computing For Voluntary Welfare Organizations (CVWO)
Full Stack Developer
Skills: Ruby on Rails, React, TypeScript, PostgreSQL
  • Implemented a Case Management System (CMS) using Ruby on Rails, React, TypeScript and PostgreSQL to enable Lions Befrienders Service Association (LBSA) to provide counselling services to 1,000 clients every year.

  • Communicated weekly with clients from LBSA and CareCorner Singapore and turn the complex requirements into a digital workflow for 250 staff.

Education & Activities

Aug 2020 – May 2024
Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science, Honors)
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
GPA: 4.75/5.00

I am enrolled in University Scholars Program (aka NUS College), a multi-disciplinary liberal arts program.

I am/was Teaching Assistant for the following courses:

  • CS1101S Programming Methodology
  • CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CS2103/T Software Engineering
  • CS3216 Software Product Engineering for Digital Markets

I am involved in these long-term extracurricular activities:

  • Organized hackathons as a coreteam member of NUS Hackers
  • Helped initiate NUS Women In Tech
  • Facilitated Technical Interview Preparation Summer Program for over 300 NUS students in 2022
Dec 2023
Tohoku University Japanese Programme
Tohoku University, Sendai Japan
I participated in a 2-week Japanese language and culture program at Tohoku University, received Distinction (AA) for the Japanese Language Course.
Jan 2023 – May 2023
Student Exchange Program in Computer Science Major
University of Texas at Austin, TX USA

I studied Natural Language Processing and Operating System at UT Austin.

I joined Symphony Band at Butler School of Music and performed three concerts in one semester.


Computational “Emojistics”
Natural Language Processing
Computational “Emojistics”
Aim to construct a new language resource to enable language models to understand and generate emojis in a manner meaningful to humans.
Tech Offer Repo
T3 Stack
Tech Offer Repo
Led a team of four to build a platform that encourages discussions around offer profiles. Received over 1,000 new users in the first week.
TypeScript Python WebSocket RESTful API Ionic and React Django PostgreSQL
A real-time feedback PWA to encourage students to ask questions during classes.
Colourful Mood
Android Studio Figma Flutter
Colourful Mood
A cross-platform application that tracks 36 emotions in color metrics with reference to Color Psychology.
Jio Jio Bot
Heroku Redis Python
Jio Jio Bot
A Telegram bot to manage collective delivery orders, solving the issue of repeated messages of delivery orders in group chats and is added to a 60-user supper group.